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Edvins Antonovs

FizzBuzz code challenge

My approach to solving LeetCode’s FizzBuzz code challenge.


Given an integer n, return a string array answer (1-indexed) where:

  • answer[i] == "FizzBuzz" if i is divisible by 3 and 5.
  • answer[i] == "Fizz" if i is divisible by 3.
  • answer[i] == "Buzz" if i is divisible by 5.
  • answer[i] == i (as a string) if none of the above conditions are true.


1Input: n = 15
2Output: ["1","2","Fizz","4","Buzz","Fizz","7","8","Fizz","Buzz","11","Fizz","13","14","FizzBuzz"]


We start by creating a new temporary array (temp). Then we initialise for loop where we do have three checks to do during each iteration and push the result into the temp array.

  • If the number is divisible by 3 and not 5.
  • If the number is divisible by 5 and not by 3.
  • If the number is divisible by 15.
  • If none of the above works, we return the current iterable and convert it as a string using the template literals.

Finally, we return the temp array.

1var fizzBuzz = function (n) {
2 const temp = [];
4 for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
5 if (i % 3 === 0 && i % 5 !== 0) {
6 temp.push('Fizz');
7 } else if (i % 5 === 0 && i % 3 !== 0) {
8 temp.push('Buzz');
9 } else if (i % 15 === 0) {
10 temp.push('FizzBuzz');
11 } else {
12 temp.push(`${i}`);
13 }
14 }
16 return temp;
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